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Thank a Veteran each and every day

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Good Sunday Morning!

Thought I'd send out the reminder for our sew-in this Tuesday, September 1st.  What have we got to do you ask :)  Well, we have a request for bindings sewn on quilts so some of the ladies can just do the hand sewing.  We have tops needing backings (always) so that our St. Charles group can pick up and bundle them with batting. (NOTE:   please help the ladies working on this even if you bring in your own project to work on.  Some just need piecing pieces together to make backing and some need that 1/8" sewing all around the top)  And of course make more tops!  I've got a box of 2" and 2 1/2" RWB strips...I can bring along patterns if you'd wish to empty those boxes!!!   Let me know cause I don't bring it unless asked.  Listening to my doctor on weight restriction ;)

I want to also give a heads up idea of mine (and Kelly) for our Yorkville group (3rd Tuesday).  Kathy, the lady who comes and sews over by Kelly....well, you remember when she was off cause she was sick.   Came back last month and it was good to see her.  Well, she will be back  for our September sew-in but is moving to Indiana in October.  How about we send her off with a nice potluck!

See ya Tuesday.
PS...thought I'd give you the upcoming calendar and what's coming up.  If you have an interest of helping....let me know.  Happy to have you!
Sept 5---booth at the Aurora Farmers Market
Sept 12 --booth at Rolling Thunder event, VFW
Oct 2-3 --booth at Village Quilters of lake Bluff
November 11 week--- requests for quilts
Nov 13-14--RWW (request for quilts)
NOTE:  We have requests from Foundation that we are also working on (20)

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