It has been a busy summer and early fall for all of us that sew at The People Church, Beloit, WI.
Each month has produced at least 6 -8 new quilts and we have an average of 10-12 members each meeting. The ladies are very productive and the quality if wonderful. We are acquiring more longarmers to help. So far there are three that have come forward to take a few quilts and one of our members just purchased a New Gamill machine and a second will be added shortly. This will be wonderful because I am having trouble keeping current.
As for me it was a busy summer with Quilts of Valor. On July 10, I was privileged to present a quilt to Lana (Bublitz). Her father had received a quilt in Washington state just prior to his death and the quilt somehow never made it to Lana. A quilt was reproduced from pictures of Leon's quilt and sent the VFW in Racine, WI. I was asked to go and present it. (picture attached).
The following Saturday, July 16 I was privileged to attend the Returning Warrior Workshop in Minneapolis, MN. I spoke to a large group of about 125 - 150 people about Quilts of Valor and we Presented about 70 quilts to returning Naval Reservists. They all were thrilled with their quilts.(picture attached).
Tina and I both displayed Quilts of Valor quilts are two different 9/11 Remembrance ceremonies on that Sunday. It was a nice touch - we did not focus on Quilts of Valor but it was nice to have the quilts on disply.
Tina has presented three quilts individually to people in the Beloit, WI Area. All in all a wonderful experience. Our group of ladies was involved in the third presentation on Wednesday at our meeting and I know for the large majority it is the first time for them to see this done. I think they were all impressed and I know there were a lot of tears.
We are all so pleased with the wonderful support that we receive from Tina's Church - The People's Church of Beloit, WI. Not only do the provide us with a work area, a storage are but they provide us with moral support. Not one meeting goes by that staff from the church stop by for a short visit and to say hello. What a true blessing this is to all of us.
So I think for now that this is a short update on all that we have been doing from our little group.
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