Thank you!

Thank you!
Thank a Veteran each and every day

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hope I get it right!

Had an awesome response to my plea for quilters and binders! I sure hope I get quilt tops/kits to where they're supposed to be. It wouldn't hurt to give me a call/email to remind me. I will pack all that needs to be bound in the car on Tuesday and if those that asked for binding don't make it to the sew-in, I'll leave a few at the shop for a few days. It's great to give you an excuse to stop in at the shop, but I hate having to have them store our stuff there. I'll be back to pick up if the tops aren't picked up in a few days. AND if you need fabric for the binding, give me a call and come over to pick it out.

Looking forward to Tuesday.
Note to quilters: When you bring in completed quilts, please make sure your name is on them cause when I get home, it becomes a memory game and I'm losing. Better yet, ask me for a label so you can insert your name right there. Oh, and if you're not listed on our "Helper" list, give me your card and I will post it. Thank you.

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