Thank you!

Thank you!
Thank a Veteran each and every day

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sew-in Reminder Notice, January 3, 2012

10 AM
Prairie Shop Quilts, 1911 W Wilson St., Batavia, IL
We gather again next Tuesday, Jan 3rd, for our monthly sew-in. We have lots of kits so we need lots of sewing machines. Again, bring your ruler, rotary cutter and a small mat.

Those who took home their quilt top last month to finish, bring along your scraps. Though we try very hard to make these kits perfect or sometimes in sewing, we make an error, someone is in need of a "little more of that red, or blue". Plus it'll be good to have for making the bindings. We also ask that you bring back the plastic bags and patterns---saves on the cost of making up these kits.

Oh, and have you heard of the QOV under the lights night--January 18 from 6-8 pm. Let Bonita know if you are coming so we can ink the date in.

When you drop off a quilt top or finished quilt at the quilt shop, please put your name on the quilt. It makes it easier to keep track of where the quilts/tops are and how many we have coming in.

Speaking of quilt drop off---we now have 3 places where you can drop off a quilt top: Prairie Shop Quilts in Batavia, Quilt Merchant, Winfield, and Gentler Times, Rt 59, Naperville. You might want to let me know you have done so at Winfield or Naperville, so I can make it a point to pick them up or have them picked up...I appreciate it, thank you.

Thank you, Sharon, Dorothy and Chris for your help yesterday in pressing and cutting. Again, if you have a pattern idea and would like to come by and pick up some fabric, be my guest.

I'm bringing a pot of chili for my dish to pass.
Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Drum roll...........

We have some bragging rights here: One of our machine quilters, Joe Filer, from Mahomet, IL won 2nd prize in a ALS challenge:

"This year we entered 11 lap-sized quilts, as the ALS patients end up in wheelchairs, sooner rather than later.

They really don't have a good search method on the facebook page. If I can remember where ours are from this year, I will send those later."

We are pleased to announce the winners for the following prize catagory:
Sew Generous Professional:
1st Place: Barbara Hutton of Carolina Shores, NC (Barb Quilts)
2nd Place: Bonnie & Joe Filer of Mahomet, Il

Our entry from last year. It was a good-sized couch quilt:!/photo.php?fbid=430982127237&set=a.189536022237.155683.150913912237&type=1&theater

Met up with Joe today as he was picking up some QOV tops to quilt. He also brought some show and tell!! Nice work!

Good job, Joe and Bunny!

Cutting fabric into kits Wednesday, Dec 28

Just a reminder that we're meeting tomorrow to cut and make up kits. I was thinking to remind the ones with the Accuquilt machines to go ahead and bring whatever dies you have---don't have to bring them all in until we need them, but if you have the 2 1/2" strip and/or the 4 1/2" strip, go ahead and bring them in right away. I'm bringing along a bunch of patterns (patterns that we have used in the past and some new ones) and we should go over those and see what you want into kits. You will also want to bring a rotary cutter, scissors and rulers.

I'm brown bagging my lunch even though I think with many hands we should be done sooner than later.

Ty sent this to me---I know I've seen it before, but it's worth viewing again: Rita
PS...Santa brought me an extra apple core die--- Let me know if you're interested.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah

Whichever holiday you celebrate, enjoy your family, friends. Treasure the moments, make everlasting memories! We pray for those who are in harms way.

God bless you!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cutting and making kits Wednesday, Dec 28

We're having a cut in on Wednesday, Dec 28th. If you can join us, let me know. If Santa brings you a AccuGO cutter, bring it in---we'd love to see it :)) Bring in your rotary cutter, scissors , ruler...that about covers it.

Oh, if you have a suggestion for a new-to-us pattern or if you'd like to try one we've tackled before, let me know or bring in the pattern. It's your monthly sew-ins, too, and would really like you to have fun as well.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Check this out

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Evening QOV sew-in: January 18 6-8 PM

A tentative date of Wednesday, January 18, 2012, from 6-8 PM has been set for a QOV under the lights sew-in. Let us know if you're interested so it can be set in ink.

Been working on a couple new-to-us kit patterns by Bonnie Hunter,; Scrappy Sister's Choice Blocks and her Boxy Stars. So, if you're interested in helping make up some kits, let me know.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Make Room for Pam!

got a story to share. We have been making QOV's for the Great Lakes (Midwest) RWW programs these past couple years. My contact people from Great Lakes have come and gone. Remember Pam who came out to pick up quilts for their January RWW at our last sew-in last Monday. She came alone and really mingled with everyone---had lunch with us, etc. Well, I spoke with her this morning and just asked, so what do you think! She said on her way home she called her sister in NJ who just recently retired and told her...ya gotta do this! She proceeded to tell me she had once quilted and went home and told her husband all about the sew-in. He said, so, when are we buying one of them (Longarm) machines! So, I said to her, so the next time you come out to pick up quilts, should we set up a machine for you? SURE she said, I'd love to!!

Ha, just wait till that Major comes out again!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

"QOV under the lights"

Yep, that's what was on the subject line of the email! Kinda catchy, right. Well, there's been interest in having QOV sew-in in the evening! The "birth" of yet another group wanting to show our thanks to the troops. Let me know if you're interested.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thought you'd like to see

I just finished labeling some of the quilted quilts I picked up in Morris yesterday. I know I've mentioned this blog before---
Well, here are a couple versions ready for our troops!

I also NEED to thank all you who picked up quilts for binding!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Another Thank you!

We were supposed to have two people/groups picking up quilts yesterday. Well, due to a chance for them to have someone who was already in town pick them up, they were picked up from my home on Monday. This is the National Guard Group from Rock Falls. Well, I got this thank you I thought I'd share with you:

The first Quilt was given away yesterday and this soldier is from Chicago. The soldier was very thankful and kept looking at it and seemed so honored to have got a quilt.
Thank you again they are all SOOOO beautiful!!!!!! I hope to be able to meet you someday soon! I will be sure and keep you posted on who gets them and when.
Whether they lost a limb or broke their back,
They need the support and welcomed back.
If it’s the unseen by the eye of PTSD or TBI,
They need the support of you and I.

Day full of surprises!

The sew-in yesterday was yet another great! Came home with 10 finished quilts--that's always a good sign. Went with almost 30 tops that needed binding---well, those are all accounted for! Nice meeting my new contact from Great Lakes, Pam. Cherle, from Tom and Eddie's --thank you for lunch! Cherle mentioned that the restaurant will host a fundraiser for us--your thoughts on that? I'm thinking we pick the next Patriotic day and do it then! Oh, and thank you Edith for the flowers -- Edith came in with flowers for us as well. Thank you to our newbies. I always hope we don't overwhelm them.

We have enough kits for the next sew-in. If you have any new pattern ideas let me know and we'll have a cut-in probably sometime in January.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Updates from Beloit

On November 10, 2011 I along with 3 ladies from the Scrapbag Quilt Club in Davis,IL went to the Tomah Veteran Hospital to present quilts.

This venture started way back earlier in the year when I was asked to help them get quilts ready to present for Veterans day. The club made the quilts and I quilted most of them. A couple of ladies from the club also quilted. These quilts were going to their Hall of Hero recipients. They had 14 members and would add another 2 this year. All well and good - most of these men have received Purple Hearts and numerous other medals and commendations. They had indeed served our country in a time of war. Well, I did not get the list until the middle/end of October and found that some of these members were either KIA (Killed in Action) OR deceased. Because the commitment had already been made I went ahead with the presentation and you know I am glad I did. I know we give quilts to those who are touched by war. Well believe me when you give a wife of a serviceman who gave his life during one of our wars this quilt, it meant the world to her and to another family who lost their brother in WWII this quilt meant recognition for his life now given to his country. So while I broke the rules I am here to tell you that in this case I feel very good about it.

I have learned that in the future when asked about quilts I will make it clear that the quilts are given to those touched by war but in a way that they will accept and understand.

I have received so many notes of thanks from this group of veterans. I think this is because they are an older generation and remember that writing a Thank you note is proper. These notes were not expected but I will treasure them always.

It was such a pleasure to provide these quilts and see the faces of the men who said I was just doing my duty and I wanted to serve. I received the nicest compliment to date from Laura who coordinated this program. She told me in an email that she had so many people tell her that they found the information I shared on Quilts of Valor and the presentation to be the best part of the program.. Guess I can't do any better than that. So the pleasure was all mine and I was so proud to give these Quilts of Valor to these wonderful men who served our country.
Vixanna "Vicki" Robbel

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hope I get it right!

Had an awesome response to my plea for quilters and binders! I sure hope I get quilt tops/kits to where they're supposed to be. It wouldn't hurt to give me a call/email to remind me. I will pack all that needs to be bound in the car on Tuesday and if those that asked for binding don't make it to the sew-in, I'll leave a few at the shop for a few days. It's great to give you an excuse to stop in at the shop, but I hate having to have them store our stuff there. I'll be back to pick up if the tops aren't picked up in a few days. AND if you need fabric for the binding, give me a call and come over to pick it out.

Looking forward to Tuesday.
Note to quilters: When you bring in completed quilts, please make sure your name is on them cause when I get home, it becomes a memory game and I'm losing. Better yet, ask me for a label so you can insert your name right there. Oh, and if you're not listed on our "Helper" list, give me your card and I will post it. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Guild today

Wow, that was worth waiting for. Had a great speaker at guild today. What a hoot! And a nice lunch with friends...can't beat that!

But I got to brag about my guilds.... If you don't belong to one, join one and I can give you a good one (or two) to join! This guild had a retreat a couple weeks ago and the lady in charge called me prior and asked "what can we do?" (QOV, that is) Well, long story short she came and picked up a couple bags of squares that just needed assembling and a few kits. Today at show n tell---great!

Now, Ms. Anonymous, from my other guild, called me on the Troy sale day a few weeks ago and asked me, Rita, what do you want? asking a kid in a candy store and she brought over the fabric and again, another GREAT! Needless to say, just add that to my "thankful for" list! Just to let you know, there ARE a lot of people in this great state of Illinois who are behind our troops!!!

Looking forward to Tuesday---our next scheduled sew-in.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What to do first

Have you ever had an extra day "handed" to you and you don't know what to do? Nah, me neither. I thought today was guild day and it's, what to do--too early to bake the pies! Think I'm going to throw a quilt on the frame! After an-all-day shopping day yesterday, this will be a treat!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Girl's gotta do what a Girl's gotta do

So, while you're preparing for your Thanksgiving meal or that dish to pass, how about doing a binding while the pies are baking. Take a top along to your family gathering to bind after the meal while you're watching the football game---you might get some questions and maybe future helpers. Maybe you can find a few minutes each day to work on quilting a top? or 2?? Let me know how many you can do.

There will be a whole lot of troops coming home!! We need more ideas like this.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cutting and making kits Monday, Nov 14

We're meeting tomorrow to cut and make kits. Want to help?? Don't forget to bring rotary cutter, scissors, ruler and if you have the GO cutter, dies (I would mark them as well)

This notice is a hint as to what's to come...or not come, for that matter. I've decided to make an attempt to cut down on computer time. I'll be preparing the final Sew-in Reminder Notice for December 6th's sew-in. I don't know if it's just my ISP but in order to send out to all those who have been a part of our sew-ins, quilting the quilts, binding, etc., I have to send out 5 separate notices. I tried several times sending out just one, but it wouldn't go. When I separated the names into groups, i.e., comcast, yahoo, aol, etc, it worked. I still get a lot of bounces---more time on the computer. As most of you know, we also care for our granddaughter during the day (and next year there will be 2!!) and she wants to "help". ... more redo's!

Hence, going to have to depend on this blog for any announcements. Most of you are on the Prairie Shop Quilts newsletter mailing list, so that will be your reminder notice. If you want an idea as to what we are going to be doing, I'll post it here.

We'll try this out and see how it works. Thanks for understanding.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I saw on the QOV Facebook page that there are new labels out. We all talked about this when the first labels came out here in Beloit and we did not like them. It made the quilt more about who made it and less about the recipient. We are going to continue to make our labels on the computer and put in the date, the name of the recipient along with the thank you and we put the piecer and the quilter along with the Land of Lincoln blog and the Quilts of Valor Website. It is about who gets the quilt not who made the quilt. We don't want any credits other than what is put on there now and besides for our group, my name would be on there so many times it would like a billboard tribute to ME (not going to happen}. To each their own and it will be our own label and continue to be about the recipient of the quilt.
And now back to my quilting,
Vixanna "Vicki" Robbel

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day!

We weathered the parade today! They have a nice ceremony afterwards which we were able to take in.

I'd like to share a note I received from Mark Krebs, Aurora Central Catholic HS Assistant Principal:
I cannot thank you and your group enough for being here today. The quilts were the highlight of the day. I don’t know how to top that next year. It seemed as if the vets didn’t quite believe that someone would actually spend the time and effort to make a quilt and then give them something like that. I hope the pictures that come out will show the exchanges of the quilts. I would like to see the looks on the faces of the girls in your group and the vets getting the quilts. I am hoping that your group got out of it what they were hoping to get from the chance to hand the vets their quilts. It is indeed a great thing that you all do.
Thank you for giving me a quilt. It will go up in my office. It is a masterpiece. Thank you.
The most important thing to me is that not only did the vets get some appreciation by way of the quilts, but the students saw a bunch of ladies give so freely of their time and effort for the men and women who have served. That is a lesson that I hope will stick with them for a long time.

So, we'll just keep on quilting!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veteran's Recognition Ceremony at ACC

We attended the Ceremony at Aurora Central Catholic High School today. I wish you could all have been there. They had some very nice patriotic music from the band and their chorus group. Some nice prayers and poems were read as well. During a patriotic medley, there was a slice show of some very moving pictures. Then came time to present the quilts! At the end the veterans form two lines and all the students go thru and shake all their hands. What an honor to be there!

If you want to see more pictures, go to and click on their Facebook page. Here are a few I took from there. (wow, sometimes I'm able to load so many and then there are other times....nada)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cut-In Monday, November 14, 10 AM

Just wanted to put in a reminder for the cut-in next Monday. We will be making kits. If you're bringing your Accuquilt Go cutters, bring what die cuts you have (I suggest putting your names on them). Remember to bring along scissors, rotary cutter and rulers. We could use all the help we can get.

Also a reminder, I have plenty of the One Stars from Moda along with patterns if you'd like to put a top together. I have enough flying geese to make another top--it was fun.

Thanks to Dixie, just had an idea.... If you're looking for maybe some Christmas stocking ideas or know of maybe someone who might, we have flannel handwarmers. With some of the donated flannel fabric these handwarmers were made up as a means to raise funds for purchasing fabric. I know I am enjoying sewing with the patriotic colors!

See you Monday! and for some of you, Thursday.
PS. I just heard of a Home for Homeless Veterans in Wheaton requesting quilts and of 52 members of the Army National Guard home with PTSD requesting quilts as well.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Busy-Busy Veterans Week

Well, this is Veterans Week. Will be delivering the quilts to ACC on Wednesday. I'm very happy several of you will be able to experience the presentation of these quilts on Thursday morning to vets from Vietnam, the Korean War, the Gulf War and our current wars on terrorism. I hope to get many pictures. And then of course we have the parade on Friday.

Spent the weekend quilting as there are several tops at the stage of needing quilting (hint-hint). So, of course we have a lot that need binding as well!!
See ya Thursday (if not sooner).

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Steps of Valor

Again, thank you Caron for the pattern. I think everyone loved it--especially the fact there were many options on set up. Here are 4 of the options sent in by Caron.

Anyone else want to join us at ACC next Thursday or for the parade on Friday, let me know.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Demo tomorrow at sew-in

I forgot to mention that Caron has offered to do a machine binding demo. She says, it is a great technique for finishing binding by machine so it is virtually invisible. Ya gotta love all this education we're getting!!

String piecing

Do we have anyone still interested or doing string piecing? Been clearing out scraps and have a LOT of strips (less than 2 1/2"). Let me know.

Have a safe Halloween and see you tomorrow.

Friday, October 28, 2011

November sew-in Reminder

Tuesday is our next QOV sew-in. We have several patterns to choose from. Caron ( has a pattern, Steps to Valor, to share with us. Kits have been cut from reds/whites and blues. You'll enjoy playing with this block to see the different settings. Again, bring along a small mat, rotary cutter and ruler. ... oh yeah, and a dish to pass!

We have a few "one stars" from Moda if anyone wants to experiment with a setting as well. Let me know you want to meet the challenge.

Let me know if you want to join us at the quilt presentation at ACC November 10th and/or the Veterans Day Parade on November 11th.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Today we're gathering at the quilt shop (Prairie Shop Quilts in Batavia) to cut some kits. If you're available, come on down! If your Accuquilt Go cutter isn't busy, bring her along...could use the 3 1/2" strip die along with the finished 3 1/2" triangle for starters. If not, a good rotary cutter and ruler would suffice.

We had the drawing on Saturday; winner was from Oswego. We also presented quilts to Joshua who had two tours in Iraq; and sent one home to his father as well as he too had been over there. What a way to end our Farmers Market day experience.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Additional happening at the Market

We are doing a double quilt presentation on Saturday at the Farmers market. A father and son who were both in the Army National Guard and both served in Iraq...the son having had two tours of duty overseas.

So stop by for the presentation and the drawing of the raffle quilt.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A "small" change in details

I found out that the Aurora Central Catholic High School's Veterans Day (located on the corner of Randall Rd. and Edgelawn, Aurora) ceremony is on Thursday, November 10th and last year it was at 7:30 AM. We will be presenting quilts to Vietnam Veterans at the high school. If you have never had a chance to see the grateful eyes of a recipient of these quilts, this is a great opportunity to experience it. Another invite: You have been invited to help celebrate Hines VA turning 90. On November 2, 2011 Hines VA turns 90yrs old and they're having an open house. Also, we have been asked to be in the Veterans Day Parade on November 11th. So, let me know if you want to be a part of these "festivities".

This Saturday, October 22nd we will have the drawing of the lucky ticket for the raffle quilt. It will be pulled at 11 AM so that the winner will have a chance to pick it up before the end of the Farmers Market at noon. Think about working the booth if we're asked to be back next year. You meet a lot of good people---both vendors and market shoppers.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's raining---may as well quilt!

If you've any free time this morning, a couple of us are getting together to put some backings together. Have quite a few tops that need to get ready for a quilter.

I'm waiting to hear from a soldier's wife to tell me whether they will be at the Farmers Market this Saturday. This soldier has been thru 4 deployments and never got a quilt! If you're in the area...........

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Updates from Beloit

It has been a busy summer and early fall for all of us that sew at The People Church, Beloit, WI.

Each month has produced at least 6 -8 new quilts and we have an average of 10-12 members each meeting. The ladies are very productive and the quality if wonderful. We are acquiring more longarmers to help. So far there are three that have come forward to take a few quilts and one of our members just purchased a New Gamill machine and a second will be added shortly. This will be wonderful because I am having trouble keeping current.

As for me it was a busy summer with Quilts of Valor. On July 10, I was privileged to present a quilt to Lana (Bublitz). Her father had received a quilt in Washington state just prior to his death and the quilt somehow never made it to Lana. A quilt was reproduced from pictures of Leon's quilt and sent the VFW in Racine, WI. I was asked to go and present it. (picture attached).

The following Saturday, July 16 I was privileged to attend the Returning Warrior Workshop in Minneapolis, MN. I spoke to a large group of about 125 - 150 people about Quilts of Valor and we Presented about 70 quilts to returning Naval Reservists. They all were thrilled with their quilts.(picture attached).

Tina and I both displayed Quilts of Valor quilts are two different 9/11 Remembrance ceremonies on that Sunday. It was a nice touch - we did not focus on Quilts of Valor but it was nice to have the quilts on disply.

Tina has presented three quilts individually to people in the Beloit, WI Area. All in all a wonderful experience. Our group of ladies was involved in the third presentation on Wednesday at our meeting and I know for the large majority it is the first time for them to see this done. I think they were all impressed and I know there were a lot of tears.

We are all so pleased with the wonderful support that we receive from Tina's Church - The People's Church of Beloit, WI. Not only do the provide us with a work area, a storage are but they provide us with moral support. Not one meeting goes by that staff from the church stop by for a short visit and to say hello. What a true blessing this is to all of us.

So I think for now that this is a short update on all that we have been doing from our little group.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October's Sew-In

These sew-ins go so quick. What a great time and not to mention the food! Again, thank you to the newbies! It's great to be among such hard working and dedicated quilters for the cause of letting our troops know we care and appreciate what they are doing for our safety. I believe the count was again 20. 10 quilt tops went to a quilter (Thank you, Pat), but would you believe I have 13 more tops needing backings and then off to quilters! Yup, that's about another 45 yards of fabric :)

Thank you to those who are picking up kits and dropping them off finished. We will continue to have kits available. Also thank you to those who are dropping off completed quilts. Please attach your name and the name of the quilter so a proper label can be attached. If you personally hand me a quilt--put your name on it cause I get home and have this memory problem!

I need to remind you to check the site occasionally to remember size, fabric quality, etc. Remember also that there are more male members in the armed forces then women. I now have quite a few quilts that are on hold waiting for a female quilt request. Quilts are to be machine quilted and not tied. Last night I gathered several quilts that will be delivered to Hines Hospital that are quite under the size requirement (Minimum 55 x 65). I've asked the Chaplain to pass these onto our wheel-chair bound veterans.

Tomorrow night will be on hand in Joliet to welcome 8 of 10 men who were in Afghanistan together. Our quilts will be awarded to the 8 who returned and the fallen heroes will be awarded quilts from Home of the Brave.

As soon as I hear of further information on the Veterans Day celebration at Aurora Central High School, I will let you know. Someone mentioned yesterday that this year it's 11/11/11. No matter---let us by example, pass on the need to honor our veterans to the next generation.
PS. The drawing for the raffle quilt will be October 22 at 11 AM, at the Farmers Market at the Aurora Transportation Center. If you want to be present for the drawing, that would be great to be there in numbers! I am so grateful to the City of Aurora for giving us this opportunity to raise money for fabric, batting and expenses needed to keep this mission going.

PSS I'll post some of the recipes from yesterday as well if you'll forward them to me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I had the honor and privilege to present a quilt to Rev. Paul Weberg yesterday. Fr. Paul is a teacher at Marmion and has been in the National Guard for 5 years. He recently returned from his fourth tour of duty in Iraq. Thank you, Fr. Paul for your service.

Looking forward to yet another sew-in next Tuesday. I think you'll like the pattern choices and you will need to bring along any small cutting mat..reminder notice coming soon.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thank you, Thank you!!

Hot off the print! Just picked up the first set of labels that are being donated by Cindi (! Yes, this makes me VERY happy. Our usual holdup for the binding was attaching the label. Now, when we send a quilt top to a quilter, the quilter can sign his/her name on the label OR, when the quilt goes to the binder, she can also have the label and just has to print info in the designated area. Thank you, Cindi.

I also need to give a big thank you to my Aunt Marianne who one day wanted to learn how to make the pillowcase and now has made us many!

Wanda and Dixie were by this morning to make up more "fabric-go-togethers" for kits which is always a good day as well.
Thank you!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Catching up

A blog isn't a blog unless you post regular...sorry about that. The weather has cooled and I seem to get another burst of energy. Maybe that "burst" includes some housecleaning.

Not today---today we are cutting and making up some kits. Come on by if you'd like to help. Oh, and I can't wait to tell you about a "guardian angel" who stopped by the booth a few weeks ago and is making labels for our quilts! I have about 20 quilts here waiting for labels as well, so it'll be great getting them done and ready for presentation.

I've told some of you about another possible presentation on Veterans Day at a local high school. Should be hearing more about the program soon. I am waiting on a Mom for another QOV presentation at the Farmers Market as well. This war hero has been back home about three years and never got a quilt. Now, my details on an upcoming Welcome Home ceremony are vague but it's about 8 guys who went overseas together. They lost two. We are supplying quilts for the 6. If you are interested in going to one of these Welcomeyouhome ceremonies, let me know. This one will be a biggy. I believe it's in the Shorewood/Joliet area.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sew-in Results

Another great turnout and some newbies today! Here are some pictures of some of the tops that we worked on today. I really like what we're doing with the Moda stars.

Just loaded top picture of the blocks a few of the ladies were working in patriotic colors as well. This pattern is from Layer Em Up #3.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

More Wednesdays

Found out yesterday that they are extending the Farmers Market on Wednesday afternoons for two more weeks. Anyone like to take a Wednesday or two?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

September tomorrow!

Where has the summer gone! Been bringing in the tomatoes, freezing them; peeling and slicing apples; picking and making ready for jelly the grapes. Yep, guess it IS that time of year! Oh, and tomorrow is our last afternoon at the Wednesday Farmers Market. We have Farmers Market on Saturday mornings until the end of October. If you can help on a Saturday, please let me know. I really need you for the first Saturday in October.

In a week we have yet another QOV sew-in. Looking forward to the new-to-us pattern from Sharon Craig's Layer Em Up book and I have kits ready to use the stars from Moda's challenge. I think it's safe to say, we will be working with reds, whites and blue fabrics, which is a treat for us.

So, enjoy your Labor Day weekend and see you September 6th.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

MY Saturday

This is the first Saturday this summer we didn't have to be up and out setting up at the Farmers Market. We lost our tent in last weekend's storm but we will be back at it on Wednesday at West Aurora Plaza. Aurora has been very kind and generous to us and for that I am very grateful. We are already collecting signed blocks for our 7th quilt!

I have been getting ready for our next sew-in. We, again, have options for our sewers. Wanda will be bringing along kits for Layer Em Up and I have some kits using the 10" challenge star by Moda. So, hope see you September 6th.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend of Valor

Spent a nice rainy day quilting yesterday at the show. Hopefully, their "coach/rookie" teams brings us more quilters. The Gazebo-Quilters Guild did a nice job. Great display of patriotic quilts where you were encouraged to touch the quilts. Met up with Catherine Roberts, the founder of QOV, again. She's just as energetic s ever! They had a presentation of Quilts of Valor accompanied by patriotic music by the Sun City Concert Band. So, good job to your crew, Sue Bruss!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What it's all about!

GREAT day today at the Farmers Market. We presented our first signature quilt today to Michael W., who is an infantryman in 4th brigade Tenth Mountain (Army). He holds the rank of specialist and has been in Afghanistan for the last 9 months. Michael is based in Wardak Provence in Afghanistan. He returns to duty later this month. I will post pictures as soon as I get permission.

AND a thank you to Rick P for his salesmanship ability. Rick was working the crowd! If all works out, Rick (Army) and Gary (Navy) will be working the booth next weekend.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


For those saving scraps for Alberta, I will be in contact with Vicki next weekend. So, if you have some scraps you've been collecting, you can bring them over before next Friday (Aug 19th). I appreciate you hanging on to them until I put out a call for them. Thanks.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Going back to a "normal" week this week. Been a summer of Farmers' Markets twice a week, a quilt show, a craft show (yesterday), sew-ins, babysitting for a beautiful granddaughter! So, normal will be FM, babysitting and even a hair cut!

Looking forward to the sew-in at the Quilt Fest in a couple weeks. It'll be nice to sit back and sew again without the "worries" and with my sister, Lolly. I haven't sat and sewn with her for over a year.

Have a great week! I'm working on a couple patterns for our Moda stars. If you'd like to work on some log cabins, give me a call. OR if you're in a designing mode, oh yeah, would love to hear from you.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Amazing turnout at the sew-in

WOW, you girls (and Bob) sure do get things done! Yesterday we were filled to capacity again---counted 20 people. Proof that "craziness" does produce though, came home with 29 labeled/finished tops! They are now all in pillowcases and in the shower stall :) If you haven't heard the shower stall story, ask me. That's a lot of pillowcases--speaking of which, we had pillowcase maker, label installers, border makers and quilt backing going on yesterday. I won't forget to mention the few who were piecing tops as well. I have not counted the backings yet, but I will update this post when I do...they're already in the car to hopefully go to some very generous machine quilters. Can't say enough about the machine quilters.

I think next month we will be ready for piecing something new which I believe we will have kits available thanks to Wanda, who what a trooper--comes to a sew-in with a migraine and still manages to get us thru a border demo.

Welcome to the newbies---sure hope you return.
Update: there were 32 backings put together yesterday! Do you realize that's a little over 115yards of fabric (average 3.6 per quilt).

Friday, July 29, 2011

Pictures from Winfield annual QOV sew-in

Fr. Cesar

I had the honor and privilege of presenting a Quilt of Valor today. Fr.'s military service is as follows:
2008 - Commissioned as 1LT in the USAR (Chaplain Corps)

2009 - Attended Officer Basic Course

2009 - Assigned as BN/Hospital Chaplain of 801st Combat Support Hospital

2010 - Attended Phase 1 & 2 of Chaplain School, Fort Jackson, SC

2011 - Deployed to Munich Germany in support of Chaplain duties

As Chaplain of 801st Combat Support Hospital, his responsibilities includes providing religious services to soldiers of different faith groups, counseling, teaching classes in suicide prevention, cultural sensitivity, etc. He also does "Yellow Ribbon Event" training for service members who are deploying, and have recently arrived from deployment. In between his drill weekends, the Chaplain Corps and his unit send him to specialized training that is useful in his assignment as a hospital chaplain.

Thank you, Father for your service.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Marianne Fons and Catherine Roberts
Huntley Park District (Rt 47 and Mill St) is the place for a weekend of Quilts of Valor August 19 and 20th. Marianne Fons and Catherine Roberts, the founder of QOV, will be there. The address and directions is: Cosman Center , 12015 Mill Street, Huntley. (From Rt. 47, our entrance to the fest is West, off of Main Street, Huntley IL, proceed South on Lois Lane, to the parking lot on the South Side of the Rec Center/Cosman Cultural Center).

Tickets are on sale for Marianne Fons' speeches on Friday evening at 7 PM and/or Saturday morning at 10:30 AM. You can get these tickets at Quilt n Joy or by calling 847-961-6507.

They are in need of people to come and sew. There are a few spots left for Friday but Saturday is very open from 9 AM - 4 PM. At 1 PM Saturday, they are making QOV presentations to local veterans. There are exhibits and 10 vendors!! Check the website with information.

I will be going on Saturday. They will need some kind of a count by the first of the week of the show as to how many will be there as PBS will be filming that day and they would like to be set up with a fairly accurate count. There will be a concession set up on Saturday and possibly Culver's...or bring your own.

So, join me! Let me know so I can let them far one we have three besides myself.

Monday, July 18, 2011


A HUGE QOV weekend that was! First I want to thank Dorothy, Cheryl and Marilyn for helping me man the Quilt Show. I know I met a lot of people who were enthusiastically signing the blocks, taking information about our monthly sew-ins, offering to donate fabric and made it a very worthwhile weekend! I also handed out a couple of our kits.

I also need to thank Accomplish Quilting ( for the donation of two quilts. This was the Gammil dealer at the show who came up to me the first day of the show and told me they would have two quilts for us and they did. You got to see this one--- I must bring them for show and tell at our next sew-in.

We have been invited back for next year's quilt show. So, the QOV word is getting out and we keep getting more and more people involved, makes less work for the rest of us, is the way I look at it. With the amount of our men and women expected to be returning, we might have to think about having bimonthly sew-ins...think about it.

Sure would like to see you at the Farmers Market on Wednesday (West Aurora Plaza 2-6)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Busy Week/Busy Weekend

A lot going on this week/weekend! We had a very good turn out at the Farmer's Market table this past Wednesday. This weekend we have a table at the Batavia Quilt Show. Come by and visit us. We're located near all the patriotic quilts. The show runs Friday (1-6), Saturday and Sunday (10-5), located: Shannon Hall at the Eastside Community Center, 14 N. Van Buren St., Batavia, IL 60510.

Also, Vicki, is representing us at the RWW program in MN this weekend. It'll be a very great experience for her and I hope more of you will be able to do the same at a future RWW weekend.

And of course we will be at the Farmers Market this Saturday at the Aurora Transportation Center from 7:30 am - noon.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

THAT was fun!

Just got back from our monthly sew-in/picnic and haven't made a count yet on what came in. This is the You Tube video that I was telling you about. It is called the "Jelly Roll Race". A few ladies were working on a technique similar to this which will be finished next month. I'm also looking forward to the new technique Wanda showed us today as well.

ok, here are pictures of our first Signature quilts made from blocks that we are getting donations for the purchase of supplies. We have a table on two days at the Farmers Market in Aurora: the Aurora Transportation Center (Saturday mornings from 7:30 AM - noon; and Wednesday afternoons starting tomorrow, July 6 at West Aurora Plaza (2 pm - 6 pm). For any donation, donors are asked to sign a block that we will be making into quilts to be presented to local returning service men and women.

A couple of our ladies took some blocks and had family members and friends sign them and are making a quilt of their own. The completed quilt above was made by Donna. That's one beautiful quilt!

Thank you, ladies. I appreciate all you do to make my job a lot easier--- and believe me, our war veterans appreciate it even more. Even the Viet Nam and Korean War Vets I've met at Farmer's Market give us kudos!! See ya next month...
PS The pattern for our Signature Squares was designed by Bonnie Hunter, named Fourth of July

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Hope you are all having an enjoyable holiday. Hope to see a lot of you at our sew-in on Tuesday.

Our Saturday Farmer's Market Day experience has been great and I am happy to say the Beloit ladies are experiencing the same results!! If you haven't heard, we are making signature quilts and the donations from the signed blocks are great. We have enough signed blocks to make our 2nd quilt top! We also have a quilt we are raffling--it was a hard sell yesterday in the heat, but I've seen "regulars" come back each week to got their ticket for a chance to win the quilt in October. This month we will also be at the West Aurora Plaza on Tuesdays.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Winfield Sew-in--SUCCESS

Yesterday's sew-in was great. We had more ladies sewing yesterday than the year before---what more can we ask for. I can only estimate how many tops will come in from the number of kits I came in with and I'm guessing 20 tops. Some tops went home for finishing. We also received some much needed fabric from a couple of shops.

I hope we've recruited a few more quilters for the cause of letting our troops know we care! Thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for all that they did to see this happen. I hear we're already talking about next year!

Friday, June 24, 2011

GREAT job, kids!

This past year, Marilyn went to her grandson's 5th grade class and helped them make a quilt of valor. The recipient was Shane Brady (Army), the 3rd grade teacher's son who had returned from several tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Shane was overwhelmed by the kid's gift.

How proud do you think THEY are! Great job, Marilyn.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pillowcase alert

I know every time I ask for pillow cases, I get them. Well, I didn't realize how low (4 left) we were getting until the other day I had a few completed quilts come in. Now, I've got fabric if you need some fabric to do these. Do remember that these as well as we do for the quilts should be done in quality child prints, etc.

Thanks for all you do! Hope some of you are planning on joining us at the sew-in on Saturday in Winfield. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email me.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sew-In Reminder for Saturday, June 25

Don't forget the Quilt of Valor sew-in that is scheduled for Saturday, June 25th at St. John the Baptist Parish, Sebahar Hall, located at: 0s233 Church St., Winfield, IL. We'll begin at 9:00 a.m. and sew and sew until 3 p.m. Bring your filled bobbins along with your sewing machines. Kits will be provided. They're asking for irons and iron cloths as well. Lunch will be provided.

Hope to see you there for the day or for however long you can stay to make quilt tops for our returning servicemen and women.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Market Day Report

Yesterday, we made our debut at Aurora's Farmers Market. On our way there it started to sprinkle and I thought, OH GREAT! But no, we had no rain---no sun, but no rain, and that is a good thing. I might have been able to sell a handwarmer or two.

They had a tent already up for us which was also a step in the right direction. I have nothing to compare it to, but I was pleased. The raffle quilt was a hit with both men and women and didn't have to twist any arms to sign the blocks that will be put into a quilt. I've lived in Aurora all my life and it was so nice to see a lot of familiar faces that I haven't seen in awhile.

So, thank you Aurora for the opportunity to make an awareness that we are making these quilts for our troops! To be among people who see what we are doing and saying it was their "honor" to be signing these blocks is good for the soul! Take an opportunity to work the table on either a Saturday morning or Wednesday afternoon this summer and get your own warm fuzzies.

I also have a report from Vicki on how the Rockford/Beloit area did at their sew in:

The Beloit Ladies of the Land of Lincoln Quilts of Valor met as usual on June 1 (first Wednesday of the month). We had a great group. I think there were 10 ladies and we gained another new member. Welcome Suzie Wendel. I came home with 7 more quilts. As you can see these ladies produce the quilts. We had a great lunch and then back to work. I (the longarm quilter) am working very hard to get caught up. We had a reporter come to visit from the local newspaper and he is going to run a story about our group and Quilts of Valor, maybe we will get some more interest and some donations.
Well done!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pictures of quilts from yestesrday's take-in

Here are a few pictures of quilt tops finished yesterday and one top quilted (pattern from Three Dudes QS, AZ. Thank you to the person who donated those 2 1/2" stripped batiks--didn't leave their name. Love the patriotic Square in a Square and don't we ever use up the scraps with the chisels!

Yesterday's Sew-In

Weather outside was VERY hot but we managed to get a lot accomplished yesterday. ok, you wanted to know how many quilts, etc. I came home with 6 completed tops (quilted, labeled, bound and in the pillowcases); 10 tops (now these included ones that were dropped off completed at home as well; and 6 needing labels! Not bad, huh!

Oh, and we had a QOV presentation as well. Chris and her mother stopped in to pick up quilts for her nephews who are returning home for a family reunion at the end of the month. Sgt. Zachary Knud Klingberg was with the First Marine Division, Fox Company 2/5; and was involved the the initial invasion in Iraq in 2003. He is now with the Army - 314MP Company out of Irvine, Calif.

His brother, PO Drew Leif Klingberg is with the Coast Guard, PSU 311 (Port Security Unit) out of Long Beach, Calif.

BIG thank you for the donations brought in with the signature squares. Headed out this weekend to pick up some much needed fabric for backings. Thank you to those who volunteered to help man the tables at the Farmers Market. And thank you to all who took quilts that needed binding...whewwww

Thank you for your dedication in this mission. If you're in the area of the Aurora Depot on Rt 25 Saturday, the first of this year Farmers Market...stop by and say hello! It would be nice for the people to see the faces of our quilters.
PS... don't forget the sew-in in Winfield on June 25th. Also, let me know if you're headed to the Northern Illinois Quilt Fest. Stop in to meet Catherine Roberts, the founder of Quilts of Valor.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

I've been contemplating what to write for today and then this came in from my brother that I thought I'd share. Thank you Ray (Marine).

Thank you and the women and men who remember our Veterans every day through the Quilts of Valor. You are all special. The quilt means more to us than any medal we have ever received.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Memorial Day Presentation (a little early)

On May 23, 2011 I attended the first Memorial Day Program at the Prairie View Assisted Living facility in Winnebago, IL. I was asked to speak about Quilts of Valor and after having found that they had two veterans living in the facility decided this would be an excellent opportunity to promote the program further and to say Thank you to our Veterans.

I delivered my message about Quilts of Valor and Land of Lincoln Quilts of Valor and the reasons for Quilts of Valor and why we do what we do. I closed my presentation by saying we would now be awarding quilts to the two veterans that lived at the facility. The families had been notified in advance so each gentleman had family there to see him receive his quilt.

I awarded quilts to Neil Groves - US Navy serving from 1962 to 1965 and to Chuck Hildebrand who served from April 1948 to April 1952 in the US Navy. Each man was so surprised to receive the quilt and the smiles on their faces made it a most rewarding experience.

I think the other residents of the facility enjoyed the program also and enjoyed see their friends receive the quilts.
Vicki (Beloit/Rockford)

Monday, May 23, 2011

10 days!

I haven't posted in 10 days....well, that tells you how busy I am, right! Actually that is true. Lots coming up and hoping it all works out. I'm anxious to see how the signature squares are going. Those along with some patriotic 4-patches makes up the quilts we will be making. It's based on Bonnie Hunter's Fourth of July quilt using 4 1/2" squares.

The next thing on the agenda is I'm hoping to get volunteers to help me man our first table(s) at the Aurora Farmers Market this summer! Thank you, Cheryl for the tent and thank you City of Aurora for the opportunity. We have a quilt to raffle, the signature blocks to have signed and of course those hand warmers (hey, might be a big seller when October comes around)! It is my hope to spread the word of our QOV mission. The dates for this are Wednesday afternoons at West Aurora Plaza (starting July 6) and Saturday mornings at the Aurora Transportation Center (starting June 11th). So check your calendar and let me know which dates you are available.

Of course we have our next QOV sew-in coming up as well. We have quite a few kits to finish---it'll be nice to see the various completed tops at the end of that day. So, see you June 7th!

Friday, May 13, 2011

SAVE THE DATE: June 25 9 AM - 3 PM

Last year, the Ladies Auxiliary from St. John the Baptist Church in Winfield hosted a Quilt of Valor Sew-in. Well, they are doing it again and the info I received:

It is that time of the year again when our Auxiliary seeks to support our veterans in a very special and loving way; by making quilts to provide them warmth and comfort.
If you, your wives or older children can sew a straight line or if you know how to use an iron your help would be most appreciated! OK, even if you can’t sew a straight line, but always wanted to know what goes into making a quilt, you can help. We need sewers and ironers, and sewing machines and irons too, to use for the day.
Donations to purchase the fill and backing materials are always appreciated.
Once again this year we will be working with the Land of Lincoln Quilts of Valor group, a chapter of the Quilts of Valor Foundation.

Our event will take place on June 25, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish in the basement of the church, Sebahar Hall. The event takes place on June 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

If you have a portable sewing machine, iron or ironing cloth (they work better than boards) we could use those too. Come for an hour or stay for the day, lunch is provided through generous donations.

The address is 0s233 Church St., Winfield, IL. For pictures of last years' event, check out the blog in the blog archive dated: May 25, 2010.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A good recheck and news on funding!

I want to remind everyone of the minimum size of a Quilt of Valor. The Top: Width 55” to 72” by length 65” to 90”. Please no smaller--no larger. Go to the site and find all the basic information listed. Also, we must do our best on these quilts as our war heroes are doing for us!! Recheck that 1/4" seam...make sure you're connecting. Bindings aren't just slapped on. Trust me, if the border is "waving" at ya, it's a quilter's nightmare!! If you're not sure on how to put on a border, we can have a demo.

I hope you're enjoying this weather! Oh, and I've got a lead on having a table to raise funds for supplies. For those who just can't make it to our sew-ins but REALLY want to help, well, maybe you can. This summer we are in need of some help for Saturday mornings and a few hours on Wednesday afternoons. You can call or email me for more information and hopefully, I'll have a schedule soon. For now, if you have access to a tent---just big enough to cover a large table and a couple chairs, please let me know.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Hope your weekend was as great as mine!! Happy belated Mother's Day to all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts! So nice to see the weather cooperated as well.

I don't remember who it was that asked about a Featherweight ...but I just heard of someone trying to sell theirs and I can't remember who you were. Email or call me and I'll forward the information.

There are a few quilts here that need binding if anyone is ready for them and I hope to quilt a few more this week as well.

Other than that, have a great week!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sewing in Beloit

Everyone was busy on Wednesday as we stitched up more quilts for the military. We had nine members present and kept very busy. Everyone is working on a new project. Lunch again was very pleasant and then we had a little show and tell about our quilts. This is a very product group of women and they make exceptional quilts.

I have been asked to prepare a display for our local Support the Troops rally that is held the third Saturday of May which is Armed Services Day (May 21). The rally consists of the raising of a flag that flew over the hospital in Balad, Iraq. This flag was presented by my daughter to the village in 2007 and this is the only time the flag flies. Their will be speakers, music and the Civil Air Patrol will do a retiring of colors. This will all take about an hour and we will have various displays set up in the Town Hall. We are hoping for good weather and a good turn out. Everyone is welcome.
Vixanna "Vicki" Robbel
Sounds good!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Great sew-in--good time

Sounds and looks like everyone had a pretty good time yesterday at the sew-in. Thank you to Janet for showing us Method one with Square in a Square...I know I've had the ruler for years and now I know how to use it (a few methods, that is). I know I'm looking forward to seeing the tops done at our next sew-in.

The quilt tops are adding up---anyone want to quilt a top or two, let me know.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Whoohooo, for the Red, White & Blue!!

God Bless Our Troops! Well done! I pray we bring all our troops home safely soon! Looking forward to our QOV Sew-in on Tuesday
PS...I've been meaning to include this video for your viewing that I've received from several people:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two QOV's go to Hines Hospital

Yesterday I delivered two Quilts to Cris from Hines Hospital that will be presented sometime this week (I'm assuming). The textured quilt that Nancy made will be presented to "T" (Marine) legally blind and another "T" (Army)will also get a quilt. He is with low vision.

Hines patient Marine Corps Lieutenant Tim Fallon recently received a very special quilt from the Quilts of Valor (QOV) organization. QOV provides quilts to "heal and comfort our war wounded" around the country. Sharon Helman, Hospital Director, was proud to present Lt. Fallon with his quilt on behalf of a Batavia branch of the group.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Yesterday's cut in & Happy Easter

Well, that went VERY well. Something to look forward to at our next sew in---Janet will be showing us Jodie Barrow's method of Square in a Square using Method 1. We cut and made up a few kits for the sew in and those who have the special ruler should bring their rulers with them. As in my case, you might want to go thru your rulers and be surprised--it might be one of them rulers you have but have never used and forgot about. Now is the time!! It's amazing how quick these blocks made up. Check out some of the videos at her site:

Also, we need to get some funds for supplies. I hope to be able to purchase thread and backing fabric soon! A lot of time is spent on piecing the fronts of these quilts, we definitely don't want to be piecing backings as well. It sure would be nice to have coordinating fabrics to go along with our scrappy quilts somehow. So have signature squares so that we can have our friends, family sign and give a donation once they know and hear what we're doing. So, those who help in this fundraiser, I'll get you thread and hopefully some blades! Of course these signature blocks will be made up into Quilts of Valor as well. And, the raffle quilt is ready--I want to have pictures available so we can sell raffle tickets and again, fund our needs to keep on making these quilts for the troops.

For those who celebrate Easter, have a Happy Easter, and for those celebrating Passover as well.


PS...we have several tops ready for quilting. If you have time to do a few of these, THANK YOU!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It is confirmed...we are having a cut in, Wednesday, at my house with Janet (Square in a Square). I'm always excited about learning something new. So, if you're able to make it, let me know.


PS The cut in scheduled the day after Easter has been cancelled.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Beloit Sew-in

The Beloit ladies had another successful day on Wednesday, April 6. We gained three new members - so welcome to Jan, Fran and Kathy. We think they like us and hope that they will be returning. I (the longarmer) came home with 10 more quilts. I have a bit of a back log at present but hope to be entirely caught up by July 1. Tina and I talked to the group about doing a few Quilts of Valor Mystery Quilts to give Tina a break from cutting all the quilts that she has been cutting. We may have to institute a cutting day if this doesn't work out - we have about a dozen active women and most are able to cut so we will see how this goes for now and then may have to try something else. We want everyone to be comfortable, learn a little something and have a really good time. The food was awesome again and we will be together again next month at the church that is so generous to allow us to use some space. So until next month keep on stitchin' and pray that maybe someday they will all be home and safe.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Operation Welcome You Home Illinois

I've written about this organization (see their blog) before. Well, there are three warriors returning this weekend. If you want to attend any of these (and they're pretty awesome, let me tell you) look for information at their webpage: These warriors will be presented with a Quilt of Valor.

on Friday at 6 PM, they will be welcoming home:

US Navy E-4 Melissa Bavone was born in Winfield, Illinois and graduated from George Nelson Tremper High School in Kenosha, Wisconsin. She attended "A" school at NAS Pensacola, Florida and "C" school in San Diego, California. She has been stationed overseas onboard the Navy's only Forward Deployed Amphibious Ship, USS Essex (LHD-2), out of Sasebo, Japan for the last three years. While she was there she completed many qualifications including air warfare and surface warfare. She also received a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for her meticulous work and supervision during the ships inspection survey. She also received the Overseas(3) and Sea Service (3) ribbons. Upon completing her duty on Essex and aiding in the Presidents orders of Humanitarian relief for the victims of the tsunami in Japan, she will be reporting to Tinker AFB in May to l! earn the Air Force's E-6B Mercury. When finished in Oklahoma she will report to Travis AFB VQ-3 in September for two years of shore duty.

Melissa has not seen her family in close to three years.

Saturday at 1:45 pm, they will be welcoming home:


On Saturday, at 3 pm they will be welcoming:

CPL Robert C. Bacigalupo II joined the Marines in 2006. He has received the National Defense Service Medal, NUC Navy Unit Citation for his recruit assistance and received a ribbon from the Army for successfully recruiting a soldier. He was part of the MCSFCO. He received his Global War on Terrorism Metal for his assignment at Kingsway.

He was chosen as a Certified Explosives Detector Dog Handler. Robert and his dog, K.D., were assigned Afghanistan in November 2009-June 2010. Robert and K.D. found several bombs that were disarmed with out incident. We welcomed him home in June 2010 and returned to Hawaii for additional training for his next mission.

After a short one week visiting family he is headed for his second tour of deployment in Afghanistan.

Also, at their site you will find information about a fundraiser in August. Remember that quilt I showed you yesterday that we need to raffle for the purchase of more supplies---well, hope to have our quilt there.
